Tag Archives: The Office

Featured Article: #art8ambyinterview with CoryAnne Roberts

Our next subject of #art8ambyinterview article surely will win you over with her striking look, amazing curls and fun, outgoing and laid-back personality. Meet the 19 year-old CoryAnne Roberts who is competing in the latest cycle of America’s Next Top Model revived at VH1.

Find out why she calls Bali, Indonesia as her hometown, and how she made it to be the finalist of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 23 in our interview below!

CoryAnne is represented by LA Models and Fauve Models, Bali.

Photos courtesy of @corylovesyou.

First of all, we’d like to congratulate you for being one of the 14 contestants of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 23. Could you share with us about the exciting process from the casting until the final announcement?

Thank you so much! I’m really excited to share a little bit about this unforgettable experience with you! I was scouted over Instagram by an ANTM angel at the beginning of the year. I honestly could hardly believe it was all real until halfway through the casting process. It’s so crazy because I’ve watched ANTM since I was a little girl, but I never would have thought to actually cast for it! Then finally after months of paperwork, interviews, and video/picture submissions I received a call that would change my life.

It was crazy because I dropped my phone earlier that day and my phone wasn’t working, but for some God-given reason I was able to receive that call. Thousands of women from all over the country applied to be on this 23rd cycle of America’s Next Top Model. I couldn’t be more proud and grateful that I was chosen as one of the top 14.

We understand that you have Indonesian heritage, can you elaborate more about that? And what are your favourite things about Indonesia?

I’m not Indonesian but I do consider Bali to be my hometown. I moved to Bali when I was 4 years old to live with my father who had just started a garment factory there. I lived there until I was about 14 when I started to crave new and different opportunities. It was so amazing to be able to grow up around so many different types of people, cultures, and religions. My unique upbringing definitely helped shape me into who I am today. I mean instead of going to amusement parks and museums for field trips, we climbed volcanoes and swam to waterfalls. Bali memiliki hatiku!

I have to say my favorite thing about Indonesia is probably how the different islands are so culturally different and yet Indonesia still has an incomparable sense of unity and national pride. Ohh and don’t get me started on the food!! I still put sambal on everything!

Who are the models that you look up to as inspiration to work in this industry? Have you ever met your favourite models/celebrity and get starstruck?

Zoë Isabella Kravitz is such an inspiration to me. She’s so multi-talented and I love that she used modeling as a platform to explore other avenues in the entertainment industry. I also admire how opinionated and politically active she is. Not to mention her exotic look is just absolutely stunning! I actually have quite a few of my favorite celebrities! I went to Rihanna‘s birthday last year and still to this day, very few parties compare… Just imagine all your idols in the same Cliffside glass venue turning up to celebrate the queen… Unreal.

Opening Prada and Chanel, appear on the cover of Vogue Italia, and walk for lots of fashion shows during fashion week are some of models biggest dreams. What would be your dream job in modeling industry?

I have so many interests and ideas; I’d really like to be a model that thrives in all facets of the industry. I want to travel more and show people that I can be both commercial and high fashion. I’d love to collaborate with brands to make my own lines and also be a spokeswoman/face. Walking in Paris, Milan, and NY Fashion Weeks are definitely dreams of mine as well.

What is your favourite beauty routine, and how do you maintain your natural curls and glowing complexion?

I get bi-monthly facials and make sure to always wash my hands and brushes before applying my makeup. I love Eradikate by Kate Sommerville when I need to get rid of a blemish practically overnight. Toners and under eye creams every morning and night are imperative as well. As far as my hair, I make sure to condition and brush my hair in the shower every single day, and I use Deva curl for definition. The key is moisture!

What are the essential things you pack during travelling and casting?

Music is literally like anti-anxiety/stress medication for me; so I make sure I carry earphones with me wherever I go. I also always have rose water spray in purse to keep my skin hydrated and glowy.

Can you share with us the story on how you started modelling?

The most popular girl’s clothing store in Bali while I was growing up was called Kiki’s Closet. All the little expat island princess’ were obsessed with it, including me. I was getting picked up from school one day when a woman approached me and asked if I wanted to model for her brand. I still remember the euphoric feeling that took over my body after she told me her brand’s name was Kiki’s Closet. After the photos came out I just kept getting more and more offers. 9 years later, I still look at those photos every so often and just smile.

Who is your all-time favourite singer or band and what is your favourite TV shows to binge-watch?

My music taste is so eclectic I could never pick a single all-time favorite. I honestly just appreciate all music so much. Travis Scott, Kaytranada, and Mr. Carmack are some of my favorites at the moment though. The Office, Are You The One, The Challenge, and Family Guy are always going to be go-to binge shows for me.

What do you usually do during your free time and what is your hidden talent that no one knows?

I don’t have any family in LA, my friends literally become my family. So in my free time I love spending time with them going to lunch, events, and random activities. I also love hiking and doing creative test shoots. Hmm, I don’t think I’d call it a “hidden talent” but I really love to dance!

Lastly, what would you be doing if you weren’t modeling? And what is your guilty pleasure?

Probably just taking extra classes at UCLA to graduate faster! Ahh reality shows are my guilty pleasure actually! My father always thought they were silly so I used to pretend I didn’t like them haha!

The 17th Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations

Angie Harmon and Rosario Dawson just announced the nominations for the 17th Screen Actors Guild Awards on December 16th, 2010 and the ceremony itself will be held on January 30th, 2011.

Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture:

Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King’s Speech
The Social Network

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role:

Jeff Bridges – True Grit
Robert Duvall – Get Low
Jesse Eisenberg – The Social Network
Colin Firth – The King’s Speech
James Franco – 127 Hours

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role:

Annette Bening – The Kids Are All Right
Nicole Kidman – Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence – Winter’s Bone
Natalie Portman – Black Swan
Hilary Swank – Conviction

The Fighter Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role:

Christian Bale – The Fighter

John Hawkes – Winter’s Bone
Jeremy Renner – The Town
Mark Ruffalo – The Kids Are All Right
Geoffrey Rush – The King’s Speech

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role:

Amy Adams – The Fighter
Helena Bonham Carer – The King’s Speech
Mila Kunis – Black Swan
Melissa Leo – The Fighter
Hailee Steinfeld – True Grit

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries:

John Goodman – You Don’t Know Jack
Al Pacino – You Don’t Know Jack
Dennis Quaid – The Special Relationship

Edgar Ramirez – Carlos

Patrick Stewart – Macbeth (Great Performances)

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries:

Claire Danes – Temple Grandin
Catherine O’Hara – Temple Grandin
Julia Ormond – Temple Grandin
Winona Ryder – When Love is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story
Susan Sarandon – You Don’t Know Jack

Breaking Bad Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series:

Steve Buscemi – Boardwalk Empire
Bryan Cranston – Breaking Bad
Michael C. Hall – Dexter
Jon Hamm – Mad Men
Hugh Laurie – House

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series:

Glenn Close – Damages
Mariska Hargitay – Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Julianna Margulies – The Good Wife
Elizabeth Moss – Mad Men
Kyra Sedgwick – The Closer

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series:

Alec Baldwin – 30 Rock
Chris Colfer – Glee
Ed O’Neill – Modern Family
Ty Burrell – Modern Family
Steve Carell – The Office

GleeOutstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series:

Edie Falco – Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey – 30 Rock
Jane Lynch – Glee
Sofia Vergara – Modern Family
Betty White – Hot In Cleveland

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series:

Boardwalk Empire
The Closer
The Good Wife
Mad Men

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series:

30 Rock
Hot In Cleveland
Modern Family
The Office