Tag Archives: GAP

Bridging The Gap 2017 Ad Campaign

Edward Enninful directed the new Bridging The Gap ad campaign video featuring top names such as Priyanka Chopra, Lineisy Montero, Fernanda Ly, Ellen Rosa, Alek Wek, Maria Borges, Casil McArthur, Christie Brinkley, Jasmine Sanders, Adwoa Aboah, Yara Shahidi and Wiz Khalifa! The campaign images are photographed by Douglas Segars with styling by Edward and creative directed by Bon Duke. (source)

GAP Spring Summer 2017 Ad Campaign

Tyrone Lebon photographed the Spring Summer 2017 ad campaign of GAP with Grace Elizabeth, styling by Beth Fenton. Hair and make up by Duffy and Mel Arter. (source)

Featured Article: #art8ambyinterview with Oliver Pras

We catching up for a quick #art8ambyinterview session with the dashing Oliver Pras, Indonesian-American model who was once one of the faces of GAP and currently being busy as TV host for a travel and adventures program. He shares his dream gig as a model and his guilty pleasure with us!

Images courtesy of art8amby, GAP and Oliver Prasetyo‘s Instagram respectively.

Can you share the story of how did you get scouted and started modeling?

I was found on the subway one night coming home from work. I was asked to attend a fashion show casting. I had no idea what to expect and was chosen as one of the models to walk.

Who are the models that inspired you? Have you ever met your favourite models and experienced starstruck?

Some inspirations includes Sean O’Pry and Kim Woo Bin. I’ve briefly met Sean at an event in NYC, but no stars truck. It was a very cool and casual conversation.

What would be your ultimate dream gig as a model?

Hm, that’s a tough one. I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot as a model. I’ve already walked for many shows and been in a bunch of campaigns. But, I wouldn’t mind walking in some shows in Milan ☺️

What is your daily grooming routine and how do you maintain your physique?

Don’t really have a daily grooming routine to be honest. Basic skin care is essential. I do take some time to do my hair in all different styles. If you catch me ever wig a backwards baseball cap, it’s because I was too lazy to do my hair that day. 😁 As for physique, maintaining a regular exercise regimen is important. I go to the gym about 3-4 times a week.

What is your favourite look during casting, and what are the essential items you carry on your bag everywhere?

I think the essentials for male models are much more basic than our female counterparts. But generally I’ll bring a combination of white/black tee shirt and tank tops, skinny jeans, hair product and comb. I know a lot of other models carry make up kits, but if you maintain your skin properly, I don’t think it’s needed.

What is your favourite book and movie of all time? Who are you currently listening to on your music player?

Not much of a reader to be honest. Currently reading “Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren and I must say, it’s changed my life. I HIGHLY recommend this book! A recent favorite movie of mine is Captain America Civil War. I’m a huge comic book nerd and I thought that the movie did the comics justice and faithfully portrayed all of my favorite characters. As for what’s on my iPod, it’s a combination of 80’s music like Michael Jackson and 90’s.

What are you usually do during your free time? And what is your guilty pleasure?

On my free time I find time to hang out with my friends and family here in Jakarta. Guilty pleasure: mint chocolate chip ice cream.

What is your hidden talent that nobody knows?

I know the exact choreography for many boy bands including *NSYNC AND SHINee.

What do you think about Indonesia and do you have favourite holiday spots here? Also what is your favourite Indonesian food?

I love Indonesia. My favorite holiday spots are Gili, Lombok and Bali. Favorite Indonesian food: Sapi (beef) balado and rendang.

Last but not least, what would you be doing if you weren’t modeling?

I’d prob be still be working in my office job.

GAP Fall Winter 2016 Ad Campaign

Mel Bles photographed models Alanna Arrington, Birgit Kos, Londone Myers, Matthew Davidson, Rhys Pickering, Sora Choi, and Yan Kai Wen for the new campaign images of GAP. (source)

GAP Spring Summer 2016 Ad Campaign

The image is photographed by David Sims styled by Alastair McKimm. (source)

GAP Fall Winter 2015 Ad Campaign

GAP taps Caroline Trentini, Liu Wen, Andreea Diaconu, Aya Jones, Benjamin Eidem, Karolin Wolter, Angel Rutledge and Jordan Barrett for their Fall Winter 2015 ad campaign shot by Mikael Jansson. Alastair McKimm responsible for the effortless styling. (source)

GAP Spring Summer 2015 Ad Campaign

Some of the campaign models are Liberty Ross and Nilam Gill. The images were photographed by Tierney Gearon and styled by Camilla Nickerson. (source)

GAP Factory Fall Winter 2014 Ad Campaign

You know who they are. It’s Caroline Murphy and Noah Mills. (source)

GAP Spring Summer 2014 Ad Campaign

Daniel Jackson photographed the latest campaign of GAP featuring Manon Leloup and Arthur Gosse. (source)

GAP Holiday 2013 Ad Campaign

Some of the familiar faces we know in the campaign are Waris Ahluwalia, actress Malin Akerman, Q-Tip, and Harry Belafonte. (source)

Click here to view last season campaign images of GAP.